Who We Are
Message From

Mandate Statement

Legislative Mandates
Policy Mandate
- 1 Sustainable Infrastructure Development Policy (SID Policy): We are committed to develop Sustainable Infrastructure of hydropower projects.
- 2 Total Quality Management Policy (TQM Policy): We are committed to develop and generate electricity from hydropower projects satisfying our stakeholders through continual improvement in its technology, process, human resource management, monitoring (Progress, Time, Cost & Quality) and complying the statutory & regulatory requirement
- 3 Environmental & Social Safeguarding Policy (ESS Policy): We are committed to develop and operate infrastructure/plant in an environment friendly and responsive manner by implementing, maintaining and continually improving our environmental management system.
- 4 Developing Cost Effective Physical Infrastructures & Generating of Maximum Revenue Policy (CEP-GMR Policy): We are committed to develop Sustainable Infrastructure of hydropower projects in the least cost and allocating maximum profit to shareholders of company.
Strategic Themes & Strategic Objective
Resource Mobilization and alignment for expansion of business in the least cost and maximum profit;


Board of DirectorsTeams

Dr. Madan Kumar Uprety MBBS, MD
Chairperson of BoD
Dr. Madan Kumar Uprety as entrepreneur has been holding key position of Founder/President in Tesla Hydro USA, Inc (6 years)

Mr. Shyam Pd. Mainali
Project Director
Mr. Shyam Prasad Mainali has been contributing in the field of Philanthropy, as Volunteer Director of Mission Rebuild Nepal, a non-profit organization since 8 years.

Ms Manasi Uprety
Ms Manasi Uprety has been currently studying Bachelor of Business Administration in James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA,USA.
Executive Management Teams

Dr. Madan Kumar Uprety MBBS, MD
Chairperson of BoD
25 Year of Professional Experience of Overall project development, Management, Leadership, Control of Medical, Philanthropy, Construction Sector in USA and Nepal

Mr. Shyam Pd. Mainali
Project Director
30 Year of Professional Experience of Business Development and Social management

Er. Indra Bdr. Chand, Chartered Engineer, M Sc
Strategic Director
28 Year of Professional Experience of Strategic Planning, Construction Planning, Designing & Management Hydro Power and Water Resources Infrastructure, Project Monitoring

Dr. Prakash Dhungana, PhD
Project Manager
20 Year of Professional Experience of Hydropower: Construction management, supervision and design consultant. Expertise in project planning, scheduling and procurement.

Mr. Kumar Pokhrel, MA
Admin, HR & Logistic Manager
15 Year of Professional Experience of Admin, HR & Logistic Management
Design, Supervision & Management Support Consultant Teams

Er. Mani Raj Dahal
Technical Advisor
28 Year of Professional Experience of Hydropower: Investigation, Designing, Construction management, supervision and Project Management and Organization Management

Mr Narayan Paudel
Financial Management & Economic Expert/ Advisor
24 Year of Professional Experience of Financial Planning, Budget Preparation, Financial management, Economic Analysis of Hydropower and other infrastructure development project

Dr. Chhatra Bahadur Basnet
Hydro Power & Tunnel Expert/Team leader
16 Year of Professional Experience of Hydropower: Investigation, Designing, Construction management, supervision

Ghan Bahadur Shrestha
Dy. Team Leader
20 Year of Professional Experience of Geotechnical studies/assessments: site Investigations, Construction material assessment and survey

Er. Krishna Singh Mahara, BE
Resident Engineer
15 Year of Professional Experience of Hydropower: Supervision and Quality Control Management in India and Nepal

Er. Dinesh Silwal
Asistant Resident Engineer
12 Year of Professional Experience of Hydropower: Supervision and Quality Control Management in Nepal
Project Execution & Construction Teams

Anamika Prasai
Chair Person/CEO
15 Year of Professional Experience of Project Planning and project execution, banking and finance management of yearly turn over $20 Millions in USA

Ram Raj Koirala
Construction Manager
14 Year of Professional Experience of Hydropower Construction management and, supervision in Nepal

Suresh Joshi
Financial Manager/Account Manager
5 Year of Professional Experience of Financial Planning, Budget Preparation, Financial management, Auditing , inventory management, company legal managing of Hydropower and other infrastructure development project in Nepal

Bijesh Lal Amatya
Tunnel Construction In Charge
33 Year of Professional Experience of Construction supervision, quality control, site management, coordination with client/consultation for different Tunnel projects in Nepal and Quatar. Over dozens of projects

Mr Bhupal Shree Magar, DCE(Civil)
Construction Supervisor
10 Year of Professional Experience of Construction supervision, quality control, site management, coordination with client/consultation for different Hydro projects in Nepal

Rudra Shiwakoti
Social Mitigation officer
20 Year of Professional Experience of Logistic and Site Management of Mega Project in Nepal and foreign country